Remember this???? The shrug I made for the Grey's Anatomy KAL.
Well, I dusted off the cobwebs and finally finished the other sleeve.
In case you don't remember, I wasn't happy with the sleeves, but I
dug it up and finished it anyway.
So, now it's done. I tried it on. Thought to myself ...Hmmm, it's O.K. andI might? wear this in public. Took some more lame photo's of myself for
the blog. Wah- Lah! More bathroom mirror shots.
Armando "What's that?"
Me "A shrug."
Armando "A shrug?????"
Me "Yeah....."
SMIRKS and looks away!
Armando "That looks like something an Old Lady
would wear ."
I was horrified....I don't think this will ever see the light of day.